// RBR kunstarrangement 2018

Kunstutstilling og foredrag i Kunsthall Stavanger 11.april

Rogaland Bedriftskuntforening inviterer til kunstutstilling / kunstomvisning med foredrag i Kunsthall Stavanger onsdag 11. april kl 18.00.

2018 alex bag untitled  project for whitney musuem
Påmelding: jof@nortrain.no

Renate Müller: 50 Years of Toys and Design presents an exhibition, a playroom and a series of kids' workshops by iconic German toy designer Renate Müller. Honoring the tradition of German toymakers from the 1800s, Renate Müller is renowned for her handmade jute-and-leather toys which she began designing and producing in the early 1960s. 

Kunsthall Stavanger has opened a solo exhibition by American artist Alex Bag. In Bag's ironic performance videos, the artist adopts a series of personae to create droll conceptual parodies. With her signature deadpan delivery and deliberately low-tech style, Bag mixes the vernacular of pop culture with irreverently humorous monologues. https://kunsthallstavanger.no

Bedriftskunstforeninger som er medlemmer i Rogland Bedriftskunstforeningesråd kan melde på fire medlemmer hver.

Hvis du har spørsmål, kan du kontakte:
Jens Olav Flobak: mobil: 924 59 485.

01/04/2018/ Marit Vasshus